
Fr. Dr. Jose Nandikara CMI
Dr. Fr. Paul Poovathingal CMI
Advisory Board:
  • Prof. Dr. Ingo Titze, Director, National Centre for Voice and Speech, Denver, Colorado,USA
  • Dr. V.A. Joseph, Chairman, South Indian Bank
  • Mr. Dileep Varghese, New Jersey, USA
  • Vidwan Ananthapadmanabhan, Staff Artist AIR, Thrissur
  • Smt. Kalamandalam Kshemavati, Danceuse
  • Prof. George S.Paul, Art Critic & Hindu Columnist
  • Dr. Guruvayur T. V. Manikandan, Faculty of Music & Fine arts, University of Delhi
  • Dr. R. Jayakumar, Laryngologlst, Kerala Institute of Medical sciences, Thiruvanantnapuram
  • Fr. Jacob Njerinjappilly, Councillor for Education & Pastoral Ministry, Devamatha Province, Thrissur
  • Fr. Benny Benedict, Director, Chetana Media Institute
PTA Office Bearers:
  • Sri. Praveen Varghese - President
  • Smt. Ramya Ravi - Vice President
  • Sri. Thomson Tharakan - Secretary
  • Smt. Mary Antony - Joint Secretary
  • Sri.Clament - Treasurer
  • Srimaati Ramlath - Executive Committee
  • Sri. Antony V.T. - Executive Committee
  • Sri.Biju Joseph - Executive Committee
  • Smt. Dhanya Vinod - Executive Committee
  • Smt. Nimi Shajil - Executive Committee
  • Smt. Sujatha Ramesh - Executive Committee
  • Sri. Tinto P Anto - Executive Committee
Manager :
Ms. Anoshia Mary Davies
Office Staff:
Sri. Linto Jose V