Platform to Perform

Dance Performance
Performance is the key word for a performing artist. A performing artist needs intense discipline of both body and mind. 'Practice makes the mastery' is the key sentence to be remembered by the students who are aspiring to become performing artists. Chetana Sangeet Natya Academy aims at developing performing artist for the future India.. Therefore, both institutions emphasis on the performance capacities of the students. Occasional performing opportunities and exposures help the students to gain confidence and good techniques in the field of music and dance. Chetanotsavam and Chetana balakalotsavam are designed towards this goal.


    This is the annual music and dance festival organized by the academy. It includes national and the state level fine art performances, seminars and workshops. At times we include the performances of the outstanding students of our academy.

    This is the annual festival to showcase the budding talents of the academy. In this festival every student is supposed perform his / her talent on the stage irrespective of their level of training.

    This is another occasion for the students of the academy to perform their talents.

    Production of new models in the field of music and dance is one of the panchabhutas highlighted In the vision of the academy. Some of the major productions from Chetana institutions are the following.

    1. In 2007 Chetana Sangeet Natya Academy launched its first production in the field of Dance. For the first time in the history Arnos Pathiri's 'PUTHENPANA'(tells the story of Jesus Christ in chaste Malayalam) epic poem was choreographed by the teachers and performed by the students of the Academy.

    2. Various musical and dance performance YouTube/Online Videos and CDs/DVDs are released by the students to develop their portfolio.